The Disk Cracker

This truly useful sector editor/copier is what we used at our offices for all our editing. In fact, the Black Box Enhancer’s editor was derived from this program.

The sector copier uses extra memory (if available) for single pass copies. Works with single and double density floppy disks. Automatic formatting and multiple copies supported.

The sector editor allows editing of both hex and ASCII data (even in internal code), as well as disassembly of the sector into 6502 machine code. Forward and backward linking and directory operations are supported for DOS II type disks.

A DOS II directory finder/scrambler is built in and has support for bad sector hardware such as the Protector. The Disk Cracker is only $19.95 plus $5 shipping/handling.

Note: the Disk Cracker is designed for editing single or double density disks only, and is not recommended to be used on hard disk systems.